One of the problems with going to a trade show is that you come back, full of excitement and ready to apply everything you learned. I guess that is the point of going, but in my case it can make my complicated life even more crazy. So that being said, when I get home I am determined to stay on task and not get distracted. 2016 is going to be a year of control and simplification- no distractions.
So here are 26 tips on simplifying your life.
- Get up 45 minutes earlier, than your normal time and take advantage of having a relaxed morning.
- This is a hard one for me, but get 8 hours of sleep. I am working on this one.
- Focus on your inner circle and don’t spread yourself to thin.
- Fine tune your business- and outsource so you can focus on what you do best.
- Pick your battles carefully- is it worth the energy?
- Prepare more meals at home.
- Find the good in everyone.
- Let go of anything that is keeping you down…
- Organize…one day I will be done.
- Surround yourself with Love.
- Take technology breaks- really working on unplugging-
- Wear your “fitbit” or other device- my is on my nightstand.
- Spend time in your garden- or plant one.
- Be Friendly!
- Return emails.
- Write a letter to someone, who would not ever expect a letter from you.
- Be accommodating –
- Don’t expect something of others that you are not capable of doing.
- Complete tasks.
- Slow down.
- Exhale.
- Move your body daily.
- Take a nap.
- Read a book- for pleasure- or listen to one during your commute.
- Be humble.
- Be grateful.
Xoxo- Gigi