An Ordinary Day...

Wednesday, April 12th started off as an ordinary day. The alarm sounded off at 6:00 a.m. like it always did. Reggie did his work day morning ritual, showering, grooming, selecting a suit and accessorizing with the perfect accents for Read more

Why are some people mean?

Why are some people mean? I'm not talking about a little mean, but bazaar, go out of their way to be mean. Recently I've encountered a few mean people, I remind myself that these situations will make me a stronger Read more


Our last trip of 2016 was to the Maldives. Last year was one full of excursions, We traveled to Cameroon, Paris, Bali, Hawaii, New Orleans, New York, Chicago, Lake Tahoe, Atlanta, Napa, San Francisco, Dubai, and I must say Read more


It's okay to venture out of your comfort zone... Lately I've been doing it quite often. This weekend is going to be one of renewal, my personal Super Bowl. What are your plans? I will be working today and tomorrow. Happy Read more

Do you enjoy yourself?

Both of my kids are in New York, my son is in school in the Hudson Valley and my daughter is living in Brooklyn and working. So we are officially empty nesters, and have been so for a while Read more


Self Portrait The ultimate selfie

Posted on by Gigi in photography Comments Off on Self Portrait – The ultimate selfie
#17 self portrait

#17 self portrait

Like Frida Kahlo I love doing self portraits. Early in my photography career it was a way to try out different techniques, such as lighting, posing, locations etc.. I would set up my tripod, work on the focus point and jump into the scene and then analyze the result. It became a learning tool, that quickly became another art form for me and a vehicle of discovery of myself.

#17 black & white

#17 black & white

With self portraits, at least mine, I am tapping into a vulnerable part of self- sharing my soul and my emotional state at that moment. Different from a selfie with my iPhone where it is typically a smiling spontaneous image, sharing a location or cute makeup, although you can get some nice self portraits with your phone as well you just have to put a little thought into it. For me it is a creative outlet another part of my art- where my “client” is so patient and she will do whatever I need to get the shot.

#17 color

#17 color

This group that I call #17 was taken on Monday. I could not get myself together and get dressed…I stayed in my nightgown all day-dealing with a bit of being overwhelmed with a laundry list of “to do-s” but I took a moment to capture my feelings and document-

Do you do selfies? Have you played around with self portraits? If no, try it…you will be surprised at what you discovery.

“Because I am so often alone…because I am the subject I know best.”   Frida Kahlo



#17 color

#17 color


Self Portrait Project

Posted on by Gigi in self portrait Comments Off on Self Portrait Project
self portrait #9.5

self portrait #9.5

This self-portrait project is taking on a life of its own. It started out as a vehicle in which I could try out different techniques, lighting, and new locations , but it has evolved into a self discovery project in which I am getting to know myself really well. I know all the sides of this 50+5 year-old woman, I know that at certain angles I see the signs of a woman that has been around for a while…for the first time I have seriously considered a bit of filler or botox to perhaps address this situation. I know that my curvy body needs fitted garments or I can go instantly to frumpy real quick. I’ve learned that my natural hair is perfect for hiding my grey strands. I’ve learned that looking into to a lens can be intimidating- we all have a perception of what we want or think we look like, what is pleasing to us- and trust me when I upload and look real close you see all the good the bad and the downright ugly. I know how vulnerable we are since we are constantly bombarded with perfect images in the media that trust me, most are so altered you would be amazed. I know that phone selfies are not always our friend especially if you are not 16, I have had clients show me phone pics of themselves that they love and want something similar…basically diffused, distorted and blurry.

When I first started the project I felt like this narcissistic crazy lady, I did not want anybody to see me doing this, so I had to wait until I had alone time, if I were outside had to make sure the gardener was not around. There are lots of clicks to get the one or two that convey the story I am trying to tell. I have to plan my wardrobe, setting, makeup, hair and lighting, all natural light is not equal and artificial light that is another story, one that I plan to conquer soon. I love that this project is forcing me to grow as an artist, to take chances and try things.

I do the shoots weekly, and post them on Thursday to my social media and to a self portrait group I belong to, I have no chance to drop 5 pounds or go on a cleanse so I can look my “best”,  each week I capture who I am that moment, the fuller version of the 40 year old me. I am the picky critical client that I have to please. I have come to accept who I am today and not worry, I want to exist in photos for my family, there are so many periods in my life where I don’t exist. I have no pictures from 25 to 29, and only school pictures from my teen years, and a couple from my childhood. I know that is why I am obsessive about taking photos of my family and friends even if they get annoyed. After I do the 52 pics, I will be making a book for myself of this body of work.

I would recommend everyone try a few self portraits. It is easy to do just set your timer on your camera and get in position. If you don’t have a camera you can use your phone, just set it up on something so you can get the perspective that you want.

Here are a few more from my “wandering” #9 series. The inspiration was I wanted to be in a lush field with a big long flowy skirt on, I wanted morning light and of course my #bighairdon’tcare” hair. I was happy with my results, and am thinking about my next shoot…maybe something modern and stark total opposite of this one.



self #9

self #9

self portrait #9

self portrait #9

Happy Monday!




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