Today my daughter decided to drop in for an impromptu blowout at the drybar. I’m a curly girl now, but for many years I was a long-haired “straight” hair done weekly girl. A big part of my life revolved around a minimum three hour weekly ritual at the salon.

Drybar on Sunset
These no cuts, no color, 30 minute blowout, salons have been popping up all over the country. We were not sure how skilled the stylists were with African-American kinky curly hair, but for a flat fee of $35.00 regardless of texture, length or thickness, there was nothing to lose.Cheery but stylish, a yellow blowdryer chandelier, champagne and cookies, fresh flowers and hair style menus, Devil Wears Prada playing on the flat screen, a steady stream of women all ages – all this makes drybar a winning concept.

Blowdryer Chandelier

Yellow & White Roses

Drybar Menus
The menu hair styles were listed as “drink” names. The Straight Up – Signature blowout: Straight with body, The Cosmo – Lots of loose curls,The Mai Tai-Messy, beachy hair, Southern Comfort – Big hair, Up-Tini – AKA an updo, The Manhattan – Sleek and smooth (Amani’s choice) are the main styles with a few others that are combos ie. Cosmo – Tai.

Blow dry Amani


Flat iron-Amani
Drybar uses Moroccan oil products and offers “shots” deep conditioners for $10.00. Amani did not have an appointment and waited 15 minutes before she was in the chair. They are open 7 days a week, nice option if you have a red carpet event on a Sunday. Most clients were done in 30 minutes, it took about 50 minutes to do Amani’s hair. As I sat watching the process, an unsolicited client said to me, “Is that your daughter? I wish my mother had taken me to get my hair straightened, because I had the kinkiest, curliest hair ever!”

"The Manhattan"
Drybar 310 442 6084 8595 Sunset Blvd. West Hollywood
Hours Monday-Wednesday 8-7 Thursday-Saturday 8-9 Sunday 10-7