An Ordinary Day...

Wednesday, April 12th started off as an ordinary day. The alarm sounded off at 6:00 a.m. like it always did. Reggie did his work day morning ritual, showering, grooming, selecting a suit and accessorizing with the perfect accents for Read more

Why are some people mean?

Why are some people mean? I'm not talking about a little mean, but bazaar, go out of their way to be mean. Recently I've encountered a few mean people, I remind myself that these situations will make me a stronger Read more


Our last trip of 2016 was to the Maldives. Last year was one full of excursions, We traveled to Cameroon, Paris, Bali, Hawaii, New Orleans, New York, Chicago, Lake Tahoe, Atlanta, Napa, San Francisco, Dubai, and I must say Read more


It's okay to venture out of your comfort zone... Lately I've been doing it quite often. This weekend is going to be one of renewal, my personal Super Bowl. What are your plans? I will be working today and tomorrow. Happy Read more

Do you enjoy yourself?

Both of my kids are in New York, my son is in school in the Hudson Valley and my daughter is living in Brooklyn and working. So we are officially empty nesters, and have been so for a while Read more

aging process

My new year…

Posted on by Gigi in Aging Comments Off on My new year…
Gigi in Bali

Gigi in Bali

So in a little over 3 months I will celebrate another birthday. Yes, I’m getting older but I am happy to be here to celebrate. For me, my birthday is a lot like New Year’s, I start preparing for it in advance, my own personal year end. Typically it begins with the intense recommitment to my workout program, which I have been slacking on lately, along with a revamp of my diet. Next I come up with an event, or gathering I want to do, and then the planning for that starts. Then, I come up with the lists of what I what do for the following year, career goals, things I want to learn, places I want to go etc.. And lastly, the appointments, I have this thing that I want to have all my personal maintenance done, such as fresh hair color and cut, maybe a facial, trip to the Korean spa, all of this the week leading up to my birthday, which is July 28.

Growing up I had a few birthday parties, one at 6, a slumber party when I turned 12, a little beach party at 18, a 25th birthday party given by a boyfriend, ten years would pass till the next party at 35. From 35 on I started celebrating every year making up for all the ones I felt I missed.

This year I won’t have a party, maybe a small dinner at home with a few friends over, something with my girlfriends, and perhaps a weekend away with Reggie somewhere local, like Santa Barbara.

How do you celebrate your birthday? Are you the party type or do you like to have quiet celebrations and not draw attention to another year gone by, and another number added to your age. Please share I’d love to know…

Gigi @ 25

This is a pic from my 25th birthday party- I remember being so happy that day- My boyfriend at the time hosted a party for me- I felt so grown up!

Gigi @ 40

This is from my 40th birthday- I remember feeling so old once my 30’s were over…now 40 seems so young!

This is from a 40 something Pole dancing party I had with my girlfriends-

This is from a 40 something birthday Pole dancing party I had with my girlfriends- and my long dark hair…

Gigi with flat ironed hair

My 50th Birthday party- was a blast! Now 50 even seems  “young”…


For my 51 birthday I had a pool party-


52 hmmmm I was is a real pink phase- dinner party 

Gigi breaking the speed limit-55

Gigi breaking the speed limit-55

Have a fabulous Monday- embrace today by recommitting to something- join me in bumping up your workout if you have been slacking off like me…




Women of a certain “age”…

Posted on by Gigi in Aging 4 Comments


Today I was cruising one of my many “private” photography group pages and there was a picture of a striking woman and the post read “still obsessing with this 57 yo ;)”. Various comments followed mostly stating how “good” she looked for her age etc. and then one person wanted to see the SOOC (straight out of camera version) implying that there must have been a lot of photoshop done to the image. The SOOC was posted it was obvious that not much had been done to the pic and this is just how this woman looked. More comments followed, most in amazement of how “good” she looked once again for her age.

Being the 56 year old that I am I was reminded that women of a “certain age” are considered the exception if they still are deemed attractive by the powers that be- the group of judges that determines when a woman’s attractive meter has stopped functioning and she has sadly “lost it”.

So many women are not bound by the constraint of numbers or someone else’s beauty standard. I look in the mirror and I see the reflection of a woman who has lived, spent some time in the sun before sunblock was the de rigueur. A face that has smiled for 50 plus years and has the imprint to prove it.

Most of us are juggling various ages- our biological age and the age of our heart and spirit, which has nothing to do with our years of the planet. The inner age that tells you that you can pull off skinny jeans, a bikini, or start a new career. Having a positive attitude and being kind all contribute to a timeless, ageless beauty that shines from within, the best anti-age serum.

To be 20, 30 or even 40 again would be a curse, because the woman I am the today is the product of all those years in the making.



Age has no reality except in the physical world-

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Gigi @ 40

Gigi @ 40



55 ways to embrace being 50 plus…

Posted on by Gigi in 50 ways Comments Off on 55 ways to embrace being 50 plus…

A while back I made a 50 ways to age graceful list, but so many of my friends joining the 50 plus ranks, I wanted to do a revised list, now that I have 5 years post under my belt .Yes, 50 is certainly a milestone birthday, especially for women. Aging is not always embraced, but I can certainly tell you the alternative is not good, so no matter where you are in your life journey- celebrate your admission to this elite “golden” club.

Gigi breaking the speed limit-55

Gigi breaking the speed limit-55

So here is my new list:

1. At “50” things that you thought were important are not- let it go.

2. Keep up your appearance, this is not the time to stop your grooming.

3. Embrace your age- no one is going to believe you are still in your 20’s anyway.

4. Address your personal shit and handle it…

5. Forget about what is age appropriate and do what feels right.

6. Practice yoga, pilates, etc. you don’t want to get stiff- stay flexible and if you have not been practicing it is never to late to start.

6A. Mediate- just started this and let me tell you it is a game changer…

7. Appreciate the first 50 years and know that those 50 years made you the person  you are today.

8. Wear makeup, especially concealer and remember less is more.

9. Walk daily- park far away, whenever you can etc. just get it in…wear one of those tracking devices if you need accountability – I love fitbit.

10. Celebrate every birthday with friends and family and do something special and of course drink champagne-the good stuff.

11. Take a class in something, keep your brain active.

12. Remember “sitting” is the new “smoking” get up and move.

13. Take responsibility for “you”.

14. Learn a new language.

15. Do something different with your hair color, try a new style especially if you have been rocking the same “do” for the past 20 years.

16. Be modest with your face if you decide to go the botox/filler route, you don’t want to start looking odd.

17. Smile more…

18. Travel, even if you have to go solo.

19. Get your sleep- at least 8 hours.

20. Have a few younger friends – you can teach each other a few things.

21. Be charming and gracious.

22. Work at being your best weight.

23. Take care of your skin and continue to wear sunscreen.

24. Start a journal- or perhaps write a memoir.

25. hydrate- Drink a  lot of water daily.

26. Wear good lingerie.

27. Get dressed up just because.

28. Set goals for your 50’s and 60’s.

29. Splurge.

30. Be want you want to be, regardless of what others may think…

30A. See whoever you want to see regardless of what others think.

31. Accept the “you” of today, don’t wish for the 20 or 30 year old you- just concentrate on being the best “you” right now.

32. Laugh and find humor in everyday life.

33. Forgive yourself for the past.

34. Volunteer for something you are passionate about.

35. If you are a mother or a grandmother, don’t let that define you.

36. Take more baths.

37. Don’t focus on menopause.

38. Have a love affair with your partner-

39. Arrange flowers.

39A. Listen to music.

40. Use and wear the “good” stuff…nice jewelry , china etc..

41. Strength train.

41A. Dance.

42. Have good posture.

43. Believe that dreams can still come true.

44. Wear sexy pretty shoes, even if they are flat- Don’t give in to sensible shoes…

45. Flaunt your assets. If you have nice legs wear something short.

46. Get out of your comfort zone and do something different.

47. Make your surroundings beautiful.

48. Don’t drink to excess.

49. Get more massages.

50. Explore eastern medicine.

51. Prepare meals with all your heart and soul.

52. Have a spiritual base.

53. Be open to receive love.

54. Respect and spend time with your sister-friends.

55. Live each day to the fullest and don’t take life for granted.

55A. Stay interesting…read. Know what is going on in the world.

Did I miss anything? Let me know any that you have on your list.

Happy Wednesday!



self portrait #10

self portrait #10


5 Things I No Longer believe About Aging.

Posted on by Gigi in Aging Comments Off on 5 Things I No Longer believe About Aging.

5 Things I no longer believe about aging.

1. Menopause is this horrific situation.

I’m fortunate in that I am still waiting for that hot flash, but if or when I get one I ‘ll just have a collection of fabulous little fans. Yes, menopause is the official marker that there are no more babies coming out of this body and that too is okay. Middle age is whatever you want it to be, I know some 50 plus ladies that could give the 20 plus girls a run for the money. It is all a mind set and how you take care of your self physically and mentally. I don’t know what I was expecting, I come from a family where no one talks about the “change” so I did not know what was going to happen if anything.

2. Don’t wear your hair to long.

Well after my Fresh & Fabulous event…I’m a believer in whatever makes you feel good. No, I’m not going to get a waist length weave or anything but if I’m wanting a “look” for an event or something, why not? Life is short.




3. Accept a “middle age” body.

Hell no!!! Yes it is a lot more work to keep things from shifting, but I am going out fighting. I enjoy having a waist line and want to keep one even if it means a little more time or a lot more time in the gym. Watching my diet and eating “clean” are a way of life. This does not mean never indulging, for me it is choices, skipping desert for a nice glass of champagne etc.. My body may not be what it was when I was in my 20’s, but I’m constantly working on being the best 50 plus body.

24 year old GIGI

24 year old GIGI

4. Fillers and Botox are for “Beverly Hills Housewives”.

As I continue to mature, I’m doing my homework and staying on top on the latest in skin care and anti aging solutions. No, I don’t want to look ridiculous or anything, but I know there will be a time sooner than later where I’m going to explore some options. Some days I look in the mirror and give myself a nod of approval, and other days I look and I see an older lady who looks like me. Yes I drink gallons of water, use lots of lotions and potions, but the aging process skips no one and for me it is not wanting to look “younger” I just want to look good for my age.

5. Don’t wear bikinis, minis or shorts if you are over 50.

I used to read this a lot in those articles about dressing for your age, but there are exceptions. If your legs are fabulous why not? It is that simple, wear what makes you happy and feel good about yourself. If you can walk in 4 inch heels rock those too, I do. Why should women of a certain age be banished to one piece bathing suits? Break the rules.



What is your philosophy on aging? I loved to hear…

Happy Thursday,



Sometimes I Really Do Feel Old…

Posted on by Gigi in Aging 1 Comment

Sometimes I really do feel old. It’s not everyday, but sometimes I will glance at my reflection in the mirror and I will see a woman that I don’t recognize. A woman who has hyperpigmentation on a complexion that for 40 plus years was flawless, who now reaches for concealer before venturing outside. A woman who now takes a second glance at those “filler” and botox ads that grace some of her favorite magazines. A woman who has to spend more time at the gym just to maintain some sort of figure that can still fit into her clothes. A woman who sometimes answers the phone and the caller is talking, the voice is familiar, but the woman has no clue who she is speaking to. A woman who is among the oldest in her workout classes, but is still sporting her lululemon.

Yes, age is just a number, but there is no denying this aging thing, it can be brutal and unfair in our youth obsessed society. I don’t wish for a younger “me”, I just don’t want the aches and pains of the older “me”. I want to be the best that I can be, but that is becoming increasingly more difficult. Everything takes more time, gone are the days of quickly pulling myself together and looking like a million bucks. It is a process now with numerous steps and formulas.

The other day of friend of mine made an observation that she noticed that young women who are half our age were sporting the same clothes that we used to wear we we were their age and they are looking like we used to “look”. The cycle just repeats itself all over, I remember wearing crop pants and my mom telling me that she used to wear those when she was my age and they were called peddle pushers and clam diggers. Perhaps that is why the shopping bug is not as exciting, because nothing seems fresh anymore…

Just as I am aging, my hubby is as well, but it seems different for him. His concerns are longevity, maintaining his business and being healthy. His only cosmetic issue is his grey mustache that he regularly colors. It’s nice to be on this “age” ride together and I am fortunate to have a partner that is accepting of me and all my vintage parts. One that I don’t have to explain the constant need for my reading glasses and the panic that sets in when I can’t find them. One I can call on the phone and he will talk to me and is not expecting me to text exclusively.

Starting my family later in life also has its disadvantages, many of my friends have grandchildren already, I think about by the time I have a grandchild I’m really going to be old. But I can’t worry about that right now…just gotta keep doing me and embrace each day to the fullest.

What are your thoughts on the aging process? Please share and tell me I’m not the only one with these feelings.

Happy Friday,









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