An Ordinary Day...

Wednesday, April 12th started off as an ordinary day. The alarm sounded off at 6:00 a.m. like it always did. Reggie did his work day morning ritual, showering, grooming, selecting a suit and accessorizing with the perfect accents for Read more

Why are some people mean?

Why are some people mean? I'm not talking about a little mean, but bazaar, go out of their way to be mean. Recently I've encountered a few mean people, I remind myself that these situations will make me a stronger Read more


Our last trip of 2016 was to the Maldives. Last year was one full of excursions, We traveled to Cameroon, Paris, Bali, Hawaii, New Orleans, New York, Chicago, Lake Tahoe, Atlanta, Napa, San Francisco, Dubai, and I must say Read more


It's okay to venture out of your comfort zone... Lately I've been doing it quite often. This weekend is going to be one of renewal, my personal Super Bowl. What are your plans? I will be working today and tomorrow. Happy Read more

Do you enjoy yourself?

Both of my kids are in New York, my son is in school in the Hudson Valley and my daughter is living in Brooklyn and working. So we are officially empty nesters, and have been so for a while Read more

Gigis Meanderings Around the Web #14

Posted on by Gigi in Web Comments Off on Gigis Meanderings Around the Web #14

Yesterday was a nonstop marathon of a day…starting at 6:00 am ending at 11:30pm, driving from OC, to Pasadena, to Hollywood, to LA and finally back home. So needless to say I was and am exhausted, but wanted to share a few tidbits.

Will be incorporating a few of these routines “12 quiet rituals of enormously successful humans“.

Yes I am a fashion buff I can’t even imagine having an interview with Anna Wintour never mind what to wear…

Love this Quote…I admit I am guilty of hoarding stuff and sometimes buying to many unnecessary things ie. the big packs of velvet hangers at TJ Maxx. I constantly need reminders to keep me on point.



Loving this man’s voice:

Another quote that I love…



This is a post from my friend’s daughter Kara Brown via Jezebel “most Poignant photo of Michelle Obama”.

Well I wish I had more time but my “boss” is waiting… XOXO, GIGI

Rejection is the New Acceptance…

Posted on by Gigi in Quotes, Uncategorized 3 Comments


This took me a long time to learn and receive. Rejection whether professional, from a friend, a club, a lover, a client, or any type of relationship can be painful, at the time it is difficult to be open to see what is “around the corner”. I believe that some things or persons are only meant to be in your life for a season, and you have to be able to accept the good and know that these situations contribute to making you the person you are today.

As I reflect on my own life experiences I certainly have had my ration of rejection, everything from the boyfriend that I thought the world revolved around to the weird “job” that was going nowhere. I had so many weird jobs, even got fired from a couple, that I knew early on that I had to work for myself. I have had friendships that ended, but after the pain of the perceived loss was gone, I could focus on all the good that came from the relationship and how I am “me’ because of bits and pieces that I gained or learned.

My daughter Amani, is working on becoming an applicant for medical school, I am constantly telling her to be open to all possibilities, don’t focus on “if I don’t get in”…Reggie will be a senior and I am telling him the same thing, you can only go to one college so you really only need one acceptance and that you will get. For me and my business if everyone wanted me to photograph them I would not have the time, I shoot an average of one client per week, which if I worked every week, which I don’t, that would be about 50 people, so with that limited number, I don’t worry about why is that person not booking a session with me…which allows me to really focus on each client and really get to know them and give them a special unique experience, instead of a “formula” shoot.

So my friends embrace your day including any rejection you may have and know something better is waiting for you!





Let’s Get Married…

Posted on by Gigi in Weddings Comments Off on Let’s Get Married…
Kyndall & James

Kyndall & James

Summer would not be complete without at least one wedding invitation. I’m at an age where we are now receiving invites from our friends for their children’s nuptials. It’s funny how when I was “younger” I was a bridesmaid in quite a few weddings, and then there was a period of attending the 2 time/3 time around weddings which were fun parties given by the seasoned couples, and of course the destination weddings, which were always a nice excuse to have a quick get away weekend.

Saturday we attended the wedding of Kyndall Powell-Hicks, the daughter of Calvin & Cynthia Powell-Hicks. Reggie’s family and Cynthia’s family have roots in North Carolina and have know each other for years. The bride and groom met at Oakwood University, Reggie’s Alma mater, so for Reggie it was a mini reunion seeing lots of friends and catching up, matter of fact 30 plus years earlier he attended Cynthia and Calvin’s wedding at the same church, Westwood Methodist.

I have always loved weddings, everything from the gowns, cake, decor, music, and of course the flowers. For the most part everyone is in a good mood and on their best behavior, and you have an excuse to put on a pretty frock.

Reggie & Gigi

Reggie & Gigi

Reggie & Reggie

Reggie & Reggie

My Favorite guys

My Favorite guys

Although I did not have a traditional wedding, we eloped to the beautiful island of Kauai, I have thought about having a vow renewal ceremony at some point, just so I can get the wedding “envy” out of my system. We will celebrate 25 years in a few days and I had wanted to do something this year, but do to so much other stuff going on in our life, this was not the year. Perhaps we will do something for our 26th or 27th or perhaps I will be the “mother of the bride” one day and get my fix. Until then I will have to be satisfied when I get that oversized envelope, our names in calligraphy, specialty stamp, and beautiful response card for another fabulous wedding.

Kyndall & James

Kyndall & James

Happy Monday!

Xoxo, GIGI

Golden Gladiator # 2 Debbie Young

Posted on by Gigi in Aging, gladiator, photography 1 Comment

PS Couture recently had the pleasure of photographing beautiful Debbie Young. One of the highlights of being a photographer is all the wonderful clients we get to work with. I met Debbie about 12 years ago, shortly after she and her family relocated from the east coast, our daughters became fast friends at their first Jack & Jill event. I have always admired Debbie’s timeless beauty and was delighted to have a session with her and Morgan. We sat down with Debbie at her beautiful home and chatted about her philosophy on living the “good” life.



On Aging: “I feel so young mentally, age is just a number. Life is to be enjoyed, I feel 25. On Living: “Live life to the fullest! Make other people happy.”

Debbie & Morgan

Debbie & Morgan

On Fashion: “I’m a fashionista…a woman’s fashion tells a story, whether sexy, conservative, boho etc. make your style exciting. On The Perfect Weekend: “Good music, on the ocean, a bottle of good champagne, of course with my family and friends”



On Advice to a “younger” you: “Positive thinking, exercise, eat well, love myself more” On Music: “My love for music consists of so much Gospel: Tasha Cobbs & Ernest Pugh to Female artists: Ledisi, Elle Varner, Adele, Emeli Sande Male artists: John Legend, Sam Smith, Gregory Porter; Jazz artist: Jonathan Butler, Michael Lington, Dave Koz, Gerald Albright; Classical: up & coming 24 year-old phenomenal soprano, Courtney Johnson just to name a few. While winding down at home I have been listening to The African Heritage’s “Umbulu Lullaby”.



On What’s Next: “The best is yet to come! God first, Travel, continue to surround myself with family and friends, my music, love, meditate and positive energy. My life mission as a special education & music teacher: music, the arts are an essential part of our lives, especially our children. The study of music/art, etc. fosters an environment of acceptance and understanding of cultural diversity. Music has been so very beneficial in my instructional programs and teaching strategies in order to accommodate diverse learning styles. I LOVE MUSIC!!!!”

Debbie, owner of “Ms. Debbie’s World of Music” provides music education in various schools in Orange County. She and her husband Larry have been married 29 years and still enjoy spending romantic weekends at the beach. Her daughter Morgan is in grad school at U Penn.

PS Couture

PS Couture

Happy Friday, XOXO, GIGI


Posted on by Gigi in Aging, My Closet, Well-Being 7 Comments


Came across this quote today, and really thought about how it applies to my life. For me the message was SIMPLIFY! “Start Subtracting”, get rid of the junk that is taking up space, both physically and mentally.

In a couple of weeks I will celebrate my 25th wedding anniversary and my 55th birthday, I really wanted to have a celebration/party of some sort, but as I began to plan it started to feel like a heavy weight was hanging over me. Some of my dearest friends were going to be traveling on the date I selected so that was a bummer. I received an invitation from another friend for a birthday party dinner cruise on the same day. My guest list was growing and getting a bit out of control, since it was going to be a birthday/anniversary celebration, there are so many that have touched our lives that I wanted to include, so my little house party was becoming an “event”.  My day to day life right now is pretty crazy, with all the driving I’m doing taking my son to all of his obligations, I had no time to properly plan anything, so I made the decision not to have a grand celebration and I feel great. I have no idea what I am going to do, other than it will be something simple, meaningful and intimate.

Normally this time of year I make my rounds to all the mid summer sales scoring deeply discounted treats, perhaps I’m maturing or I’m questioning how much stuff does one person need, but for some reason the desire is not there.  A few months ago I downloaded this app Stylebook, basically it is a closet organizer that keeps track of your “stuff”. You take pics of your items and put them in categories etc., by doing this I discovered how much stuff I have accumulated and that I need nada, matter of fact I have been getting rid of stuff and focusing on my lifestyle and what really serves me…photographer most days, and for shoots I wear black, and of course I need my workout clothes, jeans, and I love dresses for when I go out and pretty shoes, the rest I don’t need anymore. I have not worked in an office environment in over 5 years, so why do I have suits and work pumps taking up space? Why do I have things from 20 + years ago? Why do I have shoes that hurt, life is to short to walk around in shoes that cause pain.



Once good thing about driving all over southern Cali everyday, is I am able to go to the gym in between appointments, perhaps I will “subtract” a few pounds, which is always good. I find the older I get, working out is not an option, and the mental peace I get from my yoga practice is priceless. I am able to clear my mind, subtracting distracting thoughts and focusing on the future, working on my goals, personal and professional.

The next area I need to attack is being “connected” 24/7. Start having “time outs” from my i phone, i pad, laptop, kindle, fitbit, i pod, facebook, instagram, pinterest, and any other devices I may have forgot–so much time. The mystery of being unavailable is gone…I remember the days of a “dial” phone, and no call waiting and only a couple of area codes and how can we ever forget the “busy” signal? Yes, time to unplug a bit.

So think about subtracting “junk” from your life, once you start it is not that difficult, the letting go is so empowering!



Happy Thursday!





Playlist #1

Posted on by Gigi in Music 1 Comment

I live for music, can’t imagine living without a song or two playing at any given time. Matter of fact when Reggie and I were taking care of our trust, I made a note that states if I am incapacitated and cannot communicate, please make sure I have whatever the latest listening device is gently placed on my ears, so that I may listen to my last songs.

I listen to everything, and love going to concerts. Right now I am crushing on Janelle Monae, saw her a couple of weeks ago at the Hollywood Bowl-incredible! Loving this band Caribou. Sam Smith is my new love and of course I am still crazy about Jose James.

Here is what I’m listening too this week, digging these slow jams right now–Enjoy:

[soundcloud url=”” params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]

Happy Wednesday!




Post Holiday Weekend

Posted on by Gigi in American Life Comments Off on Post Holiday Weekend


Gigi & Blue

Gigi & Blue

This extended weekend was relaxing by the pool, a road trip to Riverside to visit family, hot yoga with my hubby, a movie “Tammy”, barre booty with a friend, dinner @ Gracias Madre,  harvesting from the garden, teaching my son how to juice, a new addition to our family “Blue”, a real live scorpion,  lots of conversations about life, the future, and navigating the college process with my son.

Blue & Daddy

Blue & Daddy

On a sad note, my husband received the worst phone call- a friend/business associate drowned while on vacation with his family in Costa Rica. We don’t have any details, but regardless, our friend is gone to soon, another reminder of how tomorrow is not promised. Rick Robins R.I.P.



Gigi's Garden

Gigi’s Garden

As I mature, I find myself focusing on the simple things in life, like picking tomatoes from my garden, or inhaling the scent from a rose I picked, or playing with this little ball of fur I recused from my local nursery…did I need another fur baby? No. Not really, but life is so short, why not? She is so cute how could I resist?



I love the freedom of being me and working on my agenda and not worrying about if it is okay or not. It has taken me a long time to get to this place, but it feels really good. The “young” me was concerned with what others thought, sometimes making choices that I felt would please the masses, regardless of what I really wanted to do or say. It is a powerful thing to follow your own “Truth”…




Summer is zooming by quickly, the days are long and many hours are spent driving my son (no license) to and from his appointments, classes etc.. Monday – Thursday I am gone from 6:45 AM to 7:30PM, squeezing in my PS Couture shoots, and appointments where ever I can. The one good thing from all of this driving is that I am spending a lot of time at the gym, it is the perfect place to kill a couple hours before pick up and Lord knows this 54 soon to be 55 year-old body needs lots of repair and upkeep.

I hope your long holiday weekend was enjoyable.

Happy Tuesday!

Xoxo, Gigi



Happy Fourth of July

Posted on by Gigi in American Life, Holiday Comments Off on Happy Fourth of July
4th of July

4th of July

Happy Fourth of July!

What I am looking forward to this weekend. Sometime at the beach, visiting my family, some yoga, a bike ride, spending time with our new kitten “Blue”, a tiny bit of work, and some time to do absolutely nothing, oh and watching fireworks. May you have a safe holiday with your family and friends as you get your sparkle on…




Posted on by Gigi in photography Comments Off on “I LOOK FAT IN THAT PICTURE”

I love photographing women. Initially I thought I would settle into shooting family portraits and maybe an occasional wedding. Starting a new venture at my age I knew I had to create a balance between my business and my personal life. I sort of have an addictive personality, once I latch on to something I live eat sleep with it nonstop. I was taking classes at school and online, so one day I stumbled upon a class with Sue Bryce and I fell in love with her work and her philosophy on photographing women and I was hooked.



I have always been a magazine addict as far back as I can remember, tearing pages out and filling binders up with my favorite glossy images of models, interiors, food, places I wanted to go etc. So fast forward, while at school I connected with Elsy my partner and we formed PS Couture, we both were interested in doing editorial fashion inspired style shoots for our clients. The past 9 months have been incredible, I cannot begin to express the joy I experience when I am looking through my lens and I connect with a client.

I have learned so much about my “species”. Ladies we are controlled by this thing called “body image”, including moi. Perhaps it comes from seeing all these altered images in the media, or perhaps that aunt who always told you “hmmmmm do you need that extra roll?” or in my case my great aunt had my mom  get me a girdle when I was 10…or maybe you had a friend who was a size “0” and when you were out together you felt as if you could be mistaken for her bodyguard.

When I look at proofs from my own sessions, the monkey brain zooms into to what I feel are my “problem” areas ie. “does the butt look to big?” “hmmm what about my midsection?” “Arms?” “Hair?” or lately a new one “Do I look Old?”  After I tear myself apart mentally of course, I become happy and glad that I did the session and happy that moment of moi is documented.

We have shot over 70 ladies this past year, from 16 to 80, size “0” to double digits, straight to curvy, and the one thing we heard over and over is “I want to lose  some weight before my shoot” or “If only I could lose ten pounds before my session”. Yes I too am guilty of this, and I know that with good posing and proper camera angle everyone can look gorgeous, but I still wanted to drop a few before my shoot.



Yes there is photoshop and you can alter someone unrecognizable, but our aesthetic is more authentic so that a woman still looks like herself. I love finding  beauty in everyone and we all have something that makes us special. I came across this article the other day that I found fascinating about photoshop and how this unaltered image was sent all over the world to photoshop artists and they were told to make her “beautiful”. Check out the link at the bottom.

These are a few of my favorites from some of our shoots, there are so many–
















Posted on by Gigi in Thoughts Comments Off on SECOND ANNIVERSARY
2nd anniversary

2nd anniversary

A belated 2nd anniversary, in all the craziness of life I totally forgot my blog anniversary, which was actually on May 30th. Time truely waits for no one. It seems as if it was yesterday when I decided to start Gigi’s Meanderings. At the beginning, my blog was going to be a place where I was going to feature trends, a little bit of fashion, interior design tips etc., I had no intention of GGSM becoming a place where I shared pieces of my life, thoughts on aging, relationships, and the constant challenge on balancing the complexities of a “good” life.

I appreciate all of you who have stopped by to read my musings. This year I plan to continue to share my heart, my joy, my sadness and other random thoughts. Recipes, how to’s, events, restaurants, travel, and a few other surprises will be coming your way this year.

This summer I will celebrate 25 years of marriage, and my 55th birthday. My son will be a senior in high school, and my daughter will be navigating the medical school application process. My discovery of who I am and what is my purpose will continue and of course my obsession for a sexy pair of shoes will never go away…





I want to thank you for letting me be myself…

Xoxo, GIGI


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