I have been crazy busy this past month. Physically, mentally, and emotionally overwhelmed with this crazy thing called life! About a month ago my hubby had a health scare, to be specific a STROKE, the good news is that it was a very mild stroke and everything is fine now. Those of you who know my husband know he is the picture of health, he exercises daily ie. 10 mile runs, basketball, swimming in the ocean, kitesurfing, etc.,- does not and has not ever drank alcohol, follows a vegan diet, drinks lots of water, and still this happened to him. He is the fittest person I know.

Reggie Kitesurfing St. Lucia
I’m at the age where these occurrences are happening more often to my friends and family members. While we all know that we are not going to live forever, it made me question what “LIVING A FULL LIFE ” looks like… Am I living each day to the fullest? Or am I just going through the motions? Am I chasing my passions or putting off my dream to “tomorrow”? Am I making my fantasies my realities? So many thoughts crossed my mind about what living is truly about.
So my friends HERE IS GIGI’S LIST on LIVING A FULL LIFE. Not in any particular order…
We have a lot of control in this area. A good diet and plenty exercise are a must! We follow a vegan diet with a lot of raw vegan and lots of water. Hydration is so important. I don’t like going to the doctor, but I go for my annual check-ups, knowing that early detection saves lives. I also go to my eastern medicine doctor and get acupuncture.
Are you chasing your passion? For me passion is important, it keeps life exciting. Discover a hobby, or revisit an old one. Take the time to learn something new. Right now I am passionate about photography, I have always loved taking pictures but never made the time to really pursue the craft. Now I wake up thinking about it and close my eyes at night thinking about it…
Being true to yourself and what you believe in is critical. Surround yourself with those who accept you for who you are. Know that there will be casualties along the way and thats okay. Always strive to “BE THE BEST YOU”. Make a conscious decision to surround yourself with those individuals that you know have your back.
If you have a significant other in your life you are blessed, and I don’t mean just on paper…I am fortunate to be married to my best friend. We will celebrate 24 years of marriage in July. Work on loving relationships with friends and family, accept them and their shortcomings, don’t try and remake them. Be a loyal friend and always be willing to forgive and love unconditionally. Negative relationships put a lot of stress on our well being, if you have some of these- who does not, try and figure out if you can “fix” these situations, if not LET IT GO.
5. My yoga teacher said “BE CONTENT WITH STILLNESS”
It is okay to do nothing sometimes. Quiet your mind and slow down…Take an hour or two for yourself and do nothing-detach from your electronics. Trust me the world will go on without you.
Read. Challenge your mind. It is like any other muscle in your body, stop using it and it gets soft and flabby. Learn a new language, go back to school, take a class, do something to excite your brain.
Whether around the world or the next town, take the time to go and explore something new. Yes traveling is expensive, but it is worth the sacrifice. Just get and your car and drive for a couple of hours, explore a new town act like a tourist, you will be surprised at what you might find.
Take care of your business! Plan for your future…Think about the “WHAT IF” and have a plan in place. I met a woman this past weekend who told me she lost her house a year ago in a fire, and she had to prove to the insurance company what she had, and she did not have documents to support her claim. Although it may be a long way off, think about what “retirement” looks like for you and your family.
Believe and have faith in something. A spiritual base is necessary to keep you grounded. Faith is powerful.
Party and celebrate life…birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, holidays and just because…just do it–find reasons to get together.
Do you ever do something for someone that is totally not expected? Comfort someone? Trust and look for the good in others.
What does “LIVING A GOOD LIFE” look like to you? Please share.