An Ordinary Day...

Wednesday, April 12th started off as an ordinary day. The alarm sounded off at 6:00 a.m. like it always did. Reggie did his work day morning ritual, showering, grooming, selecting a suit and accessorizing with the perfect accents for Read more

Why are some people mean?

Why are some people mean? I'm not talking about a little mean, but bazaar, go out of their way to be mean. Recently I've encountered a few mean people, I remind myself that these situations will make me a stronger Read more


Our last trip of 2016 was to the Maldives. Last year was one full of excursions, We traveled to Cameroon, Paris, Bali, Hawaii, New Orleans, New York, Chicago, Lake Tahoe, Atlanta, Napa, San Francisco, Dubai, and I must say Read more


It's okay to venture out of your comfort zone... Lately I've been doing it quite often. This weekend is going to be one of renewal, my personal Super Bowl. What are your plans? I will be working today and tomorrow. Happy Read more

Do you enjoy yourself?

Both of my kids are in New York, my son is in school in the Hudson Valley and my daughter is living in Brooklyn and working. So we are officially empty nesters, and have been so for a while Read more



Posted on by Gigi in Quotes, Uncategorized, Well-Being Comments Off on Searching

Better to start up a thousand wrong roads that to spend your life going nowhere because you know the way~Robert Brault

Each one of us is searching for something. May it be a job, home, relationship, new outfit, body, happiness, a destination, approval, sanity, youth, or maybe you are just searching for your keys. Searching is a part of our lives, part of the journey that keeps us moving forward with a purpose.

Right now I’m searching for balance in my life. I tend to have to many things going on at the same time, which makes it difficult to complete projects. Everyday is a “search” day for me, either a workout, a photography project, a meal to prepare, a pair of shoes I’ve misplaced, the book project, and always a dreaded piece of lost “paper”, either a receipt, bill, coupon, invitation, statement, etc..

Searching is a critical part of achieveing our goals, whether it’s a personal goal or professional, we start with a search of some sort.


If only it was as simple as “googling” a topic and finding a million hits, our life search would be so easy. Some searches are more difficult than others, like those of us who may be searching for “youth” which is slipping away so quickly compared to some who may be searching for directions. Regardless of what you are searching for, I came up with this list they may help you on your quest.

1. Don’t believe or be discouraged by the “haters”.

2. Take the time and make a list of the steps needed for your search.

3. The future is yours it has not be revealed, therefore anything is possible.

4. Yes. You can “search” for happiness-change your existing state, figure out how to move forward, get rid of the negative things in your life.

5. This is your search, not anyone else-you are on your own timeline.

6. Let your search lead you to the “best” you.

7. Be an example and help others with their search.

Never mind searching for who you are. Search for the person you aspire to be.~Robert Brault



Always loved this song.



What are you searching for?





Like Fine Wine, Better With Age?

Posted on by Gigi in Aging, Beauty, Well-Being 2 Comments

Fabulous Tina Turner 73 years young

This jaw dropping image of 73 years young, Tina Turner popped up on my facebook news feed a few days ago on her birthday, November 26. I have always been a Tina Turner fan, gone to numerous live performances and always left the show in awe of her energy, beauty, attitude and of course her famous legs. Seeing this picture I thought “wow” Tina is 20 years older than me and she looks great! I don’t hide my age, all 53 years are posted all over the internet for the world to see. Aging can be all consuming in this youth worshipping society, but the fact is we cannot do anything to stop the process. My approach so far has been holistic, watching my diet, exercising as much as possible, having a glass a wine sometimes and even chocolate. I dabble in lots of creams for my skin, this habit started many years ago when my mom was a Mary Kay consultant and I was her assistant at the wise old age of 12. Some days though, I look in the mirror and I am reminded that yes, I am getting older, but with that I am more confident, wiser, and stronger. At this point I still rock heels that are probably 2 inches to high, wear dresses that more than skim my body, and have an ipod full of music that would impress some of the 20-somethings. It’s a state of mind that I think makes all the difference in how you navigate this road of aging, follow the signs, but don’t be afraid to go over the speed limit, make an illegal u turn here and there, and park in the red zone.

What’s your approach to aging?



Friends How Many of us Have them?

Posted on by Gigi in Well-Being 15 Comments

Friends how many of us have them


Ones we can depend on


How many of us have them


Before we go any futher, lets be




I read an article in the Sunday New York Times, a few weeks ago about how difficult it is to make friends as we get older. I reflected on my own friend journey as an adult, and thought about when did I meet most of them. When you really think about how many “new” friends do you have and how many friends do you have from childhood? Is this friend thing different for guys? Reggie has a few acquaintances, his reluctancy to come on board with technology has made communicating a bit of a challenge, he is starting to text a bit, rarely checks email, and goes on facebook occasionally. His friend circle consists of guys he sees on the basketball court, one running partner and one brother that he talks to on the phone quite often.

I on the other hand am very social and enjoy interacting with with my girlfriends. My friendships have shaped me into the person I am, helped me to grow and at times really tested my limits and patience. I met my friend that I have know the longest when I was 10 and we have remained in contact for more years than I care to remember. High school (see my post below) was a difficult period in my life, but thanks to facebook I have reconnected with many of them. During college a few of my long term friendships blossomed, women I am still close with today, one of which I met my husband through. Friends that I have 20 plus years of history with are like mini marriages, you have gone through so much together, the good and bad and the ugly. They know things about you that you don’t even want to remember, they met the “jacked” boyfriend that you were crazy about that newer friends just heard about.


Moving on to adulthood, living in LA, working various jobs, living in roommate situations, I picked up a couple of  more lifers, some of which currently live in different parts of the country, but friends non the less.

Once I got married and my daughter was born my circle was filled with other stroller pushers. Between mommy and me groups, spouses of Reggie’s colleagues, social clubs, Jack and Jill, mothers from school, friends from interior design school, sister-n-laws, and neighbors, there was a friend explosion. I made the most friends during this period. Soon my children were developing their own friends and sometimes mothers that I bonded with, my children now were not as close with those kids, causing for some awkward times. And kids can be so honest with “I don’t like her, mommy!”.

Young Friends

Currently I am fortunate to have a sisterhood of women in my life who I admire, who inspire me to be my best, women who it is okay to agree to disagree. Like all relationships sometimes friendships are challenged, or interests change and the relationship slowly fades away. You may have to reflect when a friendship ends, and say that friend was in my life for this reason and I am grateful for the moments we shared. The glue that holds my friendships together vary like night and day, some love shopping, some never shop, some live each day to workout, others are weekend warriors, some are active in their churches, and others can’t recall the last time they have been, some are married, some are not, some have children, some eat ribs and some eat carrots, some ski, and some do ballroom dancing, some do yoga, we are all different, but we enjoy each others company just the same. I love my friends, I would be lost without each and everyone of you.



Do you find it difficult to make friends as an adult? I would love to hear your friend stories.





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Life Check-Abnormal Mammogram

Posted on by Gigi in Well-Being 8 Comments

Breast Cancer Awareness

About a month ago I had a serious life check. My routine mammogram went awry, I went from receiving the “see you next year” form letter to the “you need to come in for a sonogram” and depending on how that goes a needle biopsy. Holy shit. Talk about fear factor, the panic that quickly sets in ,when life as you know it is challenged is daunting. My tear making mechanism was working overtime. Never having any health challenges before, combined with losing my brother three years ago to colon cancer and my paranoia of needles, I was a basket case. I knew how devastating cancer could be, I had also lost my father to throat cancer and my mother is a thyroid cancer survivor.

Pink In Honor Of Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Pink In Honor Of Breast Cancer Awareness Month (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Right away I went into research mode and started reading everything about breast cancer, I found comfort in reading breast cancer survivor blogs, story after story of courageous women who beat this disease. Until you are confronted with a potentially catastrophic diagnosis, the thoughts that invade your mind, are debilitating. What about my family? Friends? The “what if” s filled my head like a hard drive almost full, about to crash.  I would find myself subconsciously reciting The Act of Contrition, a little catholic prayer I used to say in elementary school. btw I have not been a practicing catholic for over 35 years.

needle breast biopsy

The day of my biopsy was the most frightful day of my life, between the procedure, the 24 hour wait for the results and the thought of what would happen next, I was SCARED. More than any of my top 10 list of my most frightful experiences.

1. More than when I got hit from behind by a big rig and I was in my little convertible BMW

2. More than childbirth, (and that was scary)

3. More than an icy black run with my intermediate skiing skills

4. More than swimming in the open ocean with the sharks

5. More than a colonoscopy

6. More than my first brazilian wax

7. More than any “risky” behavior I may have had in my entire life

8. More than sitting in the deans office being asked to leave college

9. More than being attacked in New Orleans

10. More than IRS cleaning out my bank account

So my husband knowing I was more at risk from passing out from the procedure due to my level of fear, gave me some sedation so I could relax before the biopsy. So imagine this, I’m in the waiting area in my gown thingy, waiting to be called by the tech, the drug is working and I start doing yoga in the middle of the floor. By the time I was called I was in another world, all I remember was that I walked into the room and I sat on a table and then I woke up the NEXT morning in my bed with a ice pack and a bandaid on my left boob. My husband told me that when I came out that I told him I wanted to go to “high tea” and he took me to  Chado Tea Room in Pasadena and I ordered Mauritius my favorite tea, of course I have no memory of this what so ever.

Our bodies are so fragile

The next day I did my usual routine, Reggie left the office early so he could be would me when I made the phone call to find out my results. After going through the voice messages and pressing the correct numbers, I reached the nurse who gave me the news that my biopsy was benign. Frozen for a moment, then the tear mechanism started again, and a sign of relief came over me like a gentle embrace. This experience made me realize how fragile we really are, and that each day is special and should be enjoyed to the fullest. I’m thankful for my results, but I know when faced with an obstacle our bodies will amaze us with the strength they have to fight.

Pink Eye

Treat your body well, love your life and get check ups-early detection is part of the cure. Strive toward a vegan life style, exercise daily and take time and  eliminate your stress. Make time for those important people in your life, don’t keep putting things off until tomorrow and put a smile on your face daily.





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How Sweet it Is…

Posted on by Gigi in Well-Being 7 Comments

Are you confused with the various natural sweeteners? Many years ago I gave up the sugar substitutes in the little colorful packets. I still wanted to sweeten my tea and make desserts on occasion. So I was on a quest to find natural alternatives that would satisfy that sweet taste that I craved more than I like to admit.

Sweeteners 24 Diner Austin, Texas

Sweeteners 24 Diner Austin, Texas (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

These are the sweeteners you will find in my pantry.

1. Stevia is made from the leaves of the stevia plant. It has no calories, which is a good thing and comes in a powder form and a liquid. It is 200 times sweeter than sugar so a little goes a long way. Stevia is perfect for sweetening lemonade and ice tea. Stevia tastes like sugar, but I have found if you use to much it can have a bitter after taste. Another benefit it does not cause a spike in blood glucose levels and can be used in baking. Stevia can be found in most grocery stores and Trader Joe’s carries convenient travel packets.


Stevia (Photo credit: Fluffymuppet)



2. Agave Nectar is made from the agave plant, the same plant that tequila is made from. Agave is 25% sweeter than sugar and dissolves well in drinks. I like to mix agave with stevia in my drinks, the mixture eliminates the bitter after taste I get sometimes when I use stevia alone. Agave is widely available and on occasion I pick it up at TJ Maxx for a discounted price. It is also now available in travel packets, I can’t tell you have many half full bottles of agave I have left behind in hotel rooms. Agave is not calorie free, matter of fact it has more calories than sugar, I always measure and use the least amount to sweeten avoiding pouring it from the bottle.

Agave attenuata

Agave attenuata (Photo credit: SimonM.)

Agave Nectar

Agave Nectar

3. Honey comes in so many varieties. I love to pick up honey at the farmers market. This sweetener provides a dose of antioxidants and can be used for various beauty treatments, such as hair masks and facials. I love the taste of honey in hot tea, especially orange blossom honey.



4. Coconut Sugar and coconut nectar are made from the sap of the coconut tree. Both of these sweeteners are low glycemic and do not cause a spike in blood sugar. You may have to order it online, right now I have only been able to find it in smaller health food markets. Coconut nectar is fast becoming the new star in the natural sweeteners. Oddly, it does not taste like coconuts, just a rich sweet taste that can be used in drinks, desserts and even as a syrup on pancakes.

Coconut Nectar

Coconut Nectar

Although these sweeteners are natural, moderation is the key. If you are still using those “packets” try some of these natural sweeteners you will be pleasantly surprised.

What’s your sweetener of choice?



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Why I Tri

Posted on by Gigi in Well-Being 12 Comments

Two years ago, I decided to do a triathlon. What is interesting about this? Well for starters, although I knew how to swim, I had never swam in the ocean. I actually was afraid of swimming in open water. I had done four marathons ten years earlier, even though I detest running. I had biked a few events for fun and had gone on biking vacations. I don’t like doing physical activities that break you down ie. limping to the finish line, finishing but looking torn up, or events that involve mud.

LA Marathon 1998

LA Marathon 1998

So with all of this I decided to become a triathlete.

I was never an athlete. I never played any sports in school. I did take swimming lessons as a kid, but did not recognize that I was a good swimmer and perhaps could have been a competitive swimmer. As an adult I was always active, primarily for vanity reasons. I loved taking classes at the gym, and many years ago I taught aerobics.

I signed up for my first triathlon October of 2010. I trained on my own for three months. I had just celebrated my birthday and wanted to do something that would signify the start of a new year. I wanted a challenge to do something different “for me”. I also wanted to overcome my fear of swimming in the ocean, which I did after I realized that my wetsuit was like a floatation device. On the day of my event I was so nervous. You have to arrive before day light in order to park and set up your stuff, so there is a lot of waiting around until the start of the race. By the time the gun went off and I entered the water there was no looking back, the adrenaline rush is overwhelming, and there in no time to think about anything but moving forward to the next leg of the race.

My First Tri

My First Tri

I have ten weeks before my next triathlon. I am doing the Malibu triathlon on September 16th. No. I have not been training. Between everyone being home, graduation celebrations, a little traveling combined with some laziness I’ve been in a rut of sorts. I did the Malibu Triathlon last year so I know what to expect. The event is a 1/2 mile swim, 18 mile bike ride and a 4 mile run. The training can seem daunting, but once you get into a routine of swimming, biking, and running your body starts to get in the flow again.

Transition Area

Transition Area

Transitioning is a big part of the sport, there is a method to getting out of a wetsuit and jumping on your bike. I have yet to master this part.

Malibu Tri 2011

Malibu Tri 2011

Reggie did the Malibu Triathlon too. It is nice to have a husband or partner to do a triathlon with, there is so much stuff that has to be set up and it is nice to have a “honey do” to help out ie. checking air in the tires, putting bikes on the rack etc.

Malibu Finish

Malibu Finish

My friend and workout partner LaShawn did the triathlon. It was really nice to have someone to train with, my workouts were more regular as a result.

Why I Tri

1. Swim/Run/Bike combo-No time for boredom

2. Weight loss and body sculpting

3. Bragging rights-something interesting to talk about at parties

4. Cute outfits

5. Eat more food

6. Cardio workouts

7. Personal sense of accomplishment

8. Awesome feeling crossing the finish line

Do you Tri? Would you like to Tri? If I can…You can.







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Hey Yoga Girl…

Posted on by Gigi in Well-Being 2 Comments

Since yoga is an important part of my life, even my logo “girl” is in a yoga pose, I thought I’d share a little about my “yoga story”. I’ve had an on again off again affair with yoga for the past 3 years. This  lastest tryst started last November, I went to a class with my friend Teresa, that had live music, an incredible teacher named Cindy, and I fell in love with yoga all over again. Something magical happened that night that had not happened before. Cindy conveyed the yoga teachings in a way that resonated with me in a spiritual way. Prior, I had always thought of yoga as just another workout. The class was mat to mat and the room was steamy hot, I struggled in the class, which was a fast paced vinyasa flow, staying about 2 poses behind. When I left  I felt this sense of well being, I had a glow from within.

November 2011

Magical November Class 2011

During this time, I experienced an epiphany of sorts. I had went for my annual physical and had a bone density test which revealed that I have osteoporosis. I felt like a bomb had been dropped on me, all I could think about was little old bent over ladies. My doctor wanted to put me on drugs for my new found condition right away. I continued to go to yoga, at times crying in class, but due to the sweat factor no one even noticed. Yoga was a place I could go, and for that hour and a half, I was receptive, vulnerable and open to receiving the strength I needed to go forward. At first I agreed to take the medicines, until I did some research and read about the potential side effects of these drugs. In doing so I discovered that there had been some studies on yoga and osteoporosis and that yoga was beneficial for my condition. I believe the universe connected me with yoga for a reason. If we really listen to our bodies closely we will discover what we need to keep them running smoothly.

10 Reasons I love yoga.

1. I sleep really good.

2. A free facial included with each class.

3. Cute yoga pants that keep you “honest”.

4. Stronger-I can do push-ups as a result of so many chaturangas.

5. Flexible-I can stretch my body and I feel “taller”.

6. Connection with my breath-this helps me in all my other workouts.

7. Inner peace-after yoga nothing bothers me anymore. 

8. Problems solved-solutions come to me during class.

9. In touch with my “authentic self”, which enables me to speak my mind-no time for BS.

10. Sharing yoga with my husband and now he is a yogi.

Tadasana Festival

Tadasana Festival

Yoga is now a permanent part of my life, I can practice anywhere. Hopefully you will be fortunate to practice with a teacher who will inspire you and like a parent “raise” you to love the practice and eventually be on your own to practice.  Currently I practice with Cindy Fernandez, Purple Yoga and various other studios around the southland.

Do you practice?



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