An Ordinary Day...

Wednesday, April 12th started off as an ordinary day. The alarm sounded off at 6:00 a.m. like it always did. Reggie did his work day morning ritual, showering, grooming, selecting a suit and accessorizing with the perfect accents for Read more

Why are some people mean?

Why are some people mean? I'm not talking about a little mean, but bazaar, go out of their way to be mean. Recently I've encountered a few mean people, I remind myself that these situations will make me a stronger Read more


Our last trip of 2016 was to the Maldives. Last year was one full of excursions, We traveled to Cameroon, Paris, Bali, Hawaii, New Orleans, New York, Chicago, Lake Tahoe, Atlanta, Napa, San Francisco, Dubai, and I must say Read more


It's okay to venture out of your comfort zone... Lately I've been doing it quite often. This weekend is going to be one of renewal, my personal Super Bowl. What are your plans? I will be working today and tomorrow. Happy Read more

Do you enjoy yourself?

Both of my kids are in New York, my son is in school in the Hudson Valley and my daughter is living in Brooklyn and working. So we are officially empty nesters, and have been so for a while Read more


Tuesday Quote

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Came across this quote.

Tuesday Quote

Tuesday Quote

Love this…Reminds me that everyone is operating from a different place, different set of experiences, different perspective, different level of understanding and you have to as difficult as it may be accept that sometimes an individual may do  or say something that makes no sense to you, is hurtful to you, remember it is “their level of consciousness” and at that moment it is their best. Once you are able to recognize this…things that may of had a way of getting under your skin won’t have the same effect. You will smile, edit and move on…



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Posted on by Gigi in Well-Being 7 Comments

I have been crazy busy this past month. Physically, mentally, and emotionally overwhelmed with this crazy thing called life! About a month ago my hubby had a health scare, to be specific a STROKE, the good news is that it was a very mild stroke and everything is fine now. Those of you who know my husband know he is the picture of health, he exercises daily ie. 10 mile runs, basketball, swimming in the ocean, kitesurfing, etc.,- does not and has not ever drank alcohol, follows a vegan diet, drinks lots of water, and still this happened to him. He is the fittest person I know.

I’m at the age where these occurrences are happening more often to my friends and family members. While we all know that we are not going to live forever, it made me question what “LIVING A FULL LIFE ” looks like… Am I living each day to the fullest? Or am I just going through the motions? Am I chasing my passions or putting off my dream to “tomorrow”? Am I making my fantasies my realities? So many thoughts crossed my mind about what living is truly about.

So my friends HERE IS GIGI’S LIST on LIVING A FULL LIFE. Not in any particular order…


We have a lot of control in this area. A good diet and plenty exercise are a must! We follow a vegan diet with a lot of raw vegan and lots of water. Hydration is so important. I don’t like going to the doctor, but I go for my annual check-ups, knowing that early detection saves lives. I also go to my eastern medicine doctor and get acupuncture.

Sexy vegan food

Sexy vegan food


Are you chasing your passion? For me passion is important, it keeps life exciting. Discover a hobby, or revisit an old one. Take the time to learn something new. Right now I am passionate about photography, I have always loved taking pictures but never made the time to really pursue the craft. Now I wake up thinking about it and close my eyes at night thinking about it…

Photographer Gigi

Photographer Gigi


Being true to yourself and what you believe in is critical. Surround yourself with those who accept you for who you are. Know that there will be casualties along the way and thats okay. Always strive to “BE THE BEST YOU”. Make a conscious decision to surround yourself with those individuals that you know have your back.


If you have a significant other in your life you are blessed, and I don’t mean just on paper…I am fortunate to be married to my best friend. We will celebrate 24 years of marriage in July. Work on loving relationships with friends and family, accept them and their shortcomings, don’t try and remake them. Be a loyal friend and always be willing to forgive and love unconditionally. Negative relationships put a lot of stress on our well being, if you have some of these- who does not, try and figure out if you can “fix” these situations, if not LET IT GO.

Easter Sunday Reggie & Gigi

Easter Sunday Reggie & Gigi

5. My yoga teacher said “BE CONTENT WITH STILLNESS”

It is okay to do nothing sometimes. Quiet your mind and slow down…Take an hour or two for yourself and do nothing-detach from your electronics. Trust me the world will go on without you.




Read. Challenge your mind. It is like any other muscle in your body, stop using it and it gets soft and flabby. Learn a new language, go back to school, take a class, do something to excite your brain.


Whether around the world or the next town, take the time to go and explore something new. Yes traveling is expensive, but it is worth the sacrifice. Just get and your car and drive for a couple of hours, explore a new town act like a tourist, you will be surprised at what you might find.

Lioness and her Cubs

Lioness and her Cubs


Take care of your business! Plan for your future…Think about the “WHAT IF” and have a plan in place. I met a woman this past weekend who told me she lost her house a year ago in a fire, and she had to prove to the insurance company what she had, and she did not have documents to support her claim. Although it may be a long way off, think about what “retirement” looks like for you and your family.


Believe and have faith in something. A spiritual base is necessary to keep you grounded. Faith is powerful.


Party and celebrate life…birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, holidays and just because…just do it–find reasons to get together.




Do you ever do something for someone that is totally not expected? Comfort someone? Trust and look for the good in others.

What does “LIVING A GOOD LIFE”  look like to you? Please share.














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Posted on by Gigi in Recipes, Well-Being 2 Comments
love my MYILK

love my MYILK

I love homemade Almond milk! I use it to make tea “lattes”, as a creamy base for fruit smoothies, and for making decadent “raw” ice cream. It is so easy to make and is full of vitamins and minerals, omega-3 fatty acids, good for your heart, protein, low in calories, calcium and a perfect alternative to cows milk. Here is my simple recipe. I’m not a fan of commercial almond milk and once you make it from scratch you will see the difference.

2 cups of raw almonds

6 cups of filtered water

2 teaspoons of lecithin (good for brain function) I need this

1/4 cup of agave, or coconut nectar, or maple syrup, or 3-4 dates or whatever sweetener you desire

1 vanilla bean or vanilla extract

pinch of salt

Soak almonds overnight in water.

soaked almonds

soaked almonds

Drain and measure out half of the almonds about 1 cup. I learned the hard way about putting all the almonds and water in the vitamix at once–a big mess!

Put half of the almonds in vitamix with 3 cups of water, vanilla bean, lecithin, sweetener and salt.

drain almonds

drain almonds

vitamix with almonds

vitamix with almonds

vanilla bean

vanilla bean

Blend on high speed until creamy and smooth. Strain in nut bag or cheesecloth, and that’s it…

blend mixture

blend mixture

nut bag

nut bag

Strain myilk

Strain myilk

Repeat with the other half of almonds. Refrigerate. Almond myilk should last about 3 days…not really sure because mine never lasts that long…Enjoy!









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Posted on by Gigi in Well-Being 2 Comments


Green Goddess Juice

Green Goddess Juice

Now that our days our longer and the first day of spring is upon us, I like to think about “spring cleaning” moi. Starting from the inside, detoxing and getting rid of all the junk that has accumulated, like dust that settles in hidden corners, I want everything to be fresh and pass my white glove test. Juicing is a part of my regular diet, but I like to throw in a juice fast here and there to really eliminate. I’m going to start my “spring cleaning fast” on Monday, and continue it through Wednesday breaking my fast Thursday morning. You may want to join me, I’ll post my juice blends here, each day.

For my fast to be successful I will have my produce clean and ready to juice. So this weekend I will hit a farmers market and/or Whole Foods for organic in season veggies and fruits. When I first started juicing I was obsessed with having a recipe, until I realized that it is difficult to make a really “bad” juice, especially if you are starting with good produce, granted some may be more palatable than others, but all and all they are all good.

juice prep

juice prep

My plan for Monday, morning -32 0z room temperature water with lemon, yerbe mate sweetened with stevia, and a large green juice.

mid morning- apple/ginger/mint 8 oz

lunch-large  green juice

mid afternoon -pineapple/ginger

dinner- carrot “soup” juice (I will juice carrots, and some green veggies, maybe add a pear for sweetness, and some spices) and blend in my vitamix until it is warm like soup.

post dinner-mint tea with fresh mint

throughout the day lots of water.


Chop Chop

Chop Chop

Have a beautiful weekend and think about your “Spring Cleaning” and getting your body nice and clean. Do you have a “spring cleaning regimen for your body?



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Posted on by Gigi in Well-Being 1 Comment

I hate to admit it, but sometimes my left knee bothers me, not enough to go to the “doctor” but just enough to be annoying at times. For example I notice when I am wearing heels, which is quite often, and I am going down stairs sometimes I have a little discomfort. Ski season is in full effect, and my annual “girls” trip is right around the corner, so of course I am concerned about my knee. I talked with Dr. Daoshing, my acupuncture doctor about this and he recommended an “anti-inflammatory” diet, and to drop a few pounds, he said that five pounds can make a difference. I will also get acupuncture for my knee as well, so hopefully this will be my cure all.

Dr. Dao

Dr. Dao

Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Spices, Seasonings and Herbs

Turmeric, Basil, Cayenne Pepper, Mint, Cinnamon, Oregano, Thyme, Rosemary, Parsley, Cilantro, Cloves, Ginger, Garlic and Green Tea




Apple, Papaya, Pineapple,Kiwi, Guava, Kumquat, Pomegranate, Cherries, Grapes, Blueberries, Strawberries, Raspberries, Blackberries, Mulberries, Black Currants, Avocado




Onion, Fennel Bulb, Leeks, Yams, Sweet Potato, Rhubarb, Japanese Pumpkin, Brussels sprouts, Cabbage, Collards, Green beans, spinach, Chard, Broccoli, Cauliflower



Nuts, Seeds and Beans

Hazelnuts, Walnuts, Almonds, Sunflower Seeds, Flax Seeds, Pumpkin seeds, Soy beans, Mung beans, lentils, Split peas




Olive oil, Walnut oil, Fish oil, Rice bran oil, Grape seed oil




Salmon, Cod, Herring, Bass, Snapper, Sardines and most cold water fish

being vegan no fish for me…


Dairy, Alcohol, Coffee, Sugar, Deep-fried fatty foods, Processed, refined foods, Red meat, Junk food with trans fat

Night Shade Vegetables

Eggplant, tomato, bell pepper & potato

Tao of Wellness

List of anti-inflammatory diet-courtesy of Tao of Wellness



Have you tried Eastern Medicine? Acupuncture?

I will keep you posted on my results.








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Posted on by Gigi in Well-Being 1 Comment

Came across this powerful quote on the web today. So timely and so so true. Enjoy!




Ten Things

Ten Things


Posted on by Gigi in Well-Being Comments Off on ROUTINES

I find that the older I get the more I need a routine for certain things, like stretching my body daily. I don’t always make it to yoga class so I was delighted when I stumbled upon this “good morning” yoga sequence via pin interest. I now keep a yoga mat under my bed, so all I have to do is greet my mat and do this little routine, after which I can start my day. It has helped tremendously with little aches and pains I was starting to have, especially in my shoulders and knees. It’s like a teeth brushing for my body.


My other routine is juicing, the benefits of adding fresh juice to your diet, are great. I love my juice, it is my feel good serum. I have been juicing for almost four years, a friend introduced me to “green” juice, and initially it was an adjustment, an acquired taste, but now I crave it daily. I prefer to make my own, I find that sometimes when I purchase from juice bars, the “green” juice is not green enough for my taste, and it is so expensive. I also like to vary my recipes based on how I feel and what I am in the mood for. If you prep your veggies, and have them ready like the juice bars do, you can make your juice in minutes, and the combinations are unlimited. Check out these recipes.


Journaling daily is my therapy. I always have some sort of journal with me, to jot down ideas for my blog, observations on life, dreams, and sometimes odd thoughts and feelings that I can record privately. Even in our electronic device age, and yes I do have most of the gadgets, there is something special about a nice pen and a pretty journal. I keep a pad on my night stand, for those moments when I wake up in the middle of the night.


And lastly, taking pictures has become a part of my daily routine. I have always liked taking pics, but now that I am studying photography  I am constantly searching for interesting highlights and shadows. Sometimes it is the formation of the clouds, or the way a shadow has formed on a wall, or maybe an expression on someones face. I am always ready, whether it is with my i phone, my little point and shoot or my nikon.

Do you have any routines? I’d love to hear about them…




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Posted on by Gigi in Dining, My Life, Well-Being Comments Off on TO EAT OR NOT TO EAT…

I’ve always been a foodie, I loooooove decadent, flavorful, preferably ethnic vegan food. Growing up, my earliest memories are of both my parents in the kitchen cooking. We never had convenience food, which at the time would have been something like frozen TV dinners. At that time I had no dietary restrictions, I ate everything, meat, chicken, seafood etc.. As time passed and I became a young adult, I denounced all red meat and existed on seafood and chicken. My husband was raised vegetarian, but he too had converted to the seafood/ chicken plan. Shortly after my son was born, I gave up chicken and became a “fishatarion” , sushi, salmon, crab, shrimp, and my favorite ahi tuna became the mainstay of my diet. I ate so much seafood that four years ago, I was diagnosed with mercury poisoning. So I gave up seafood overnight and became a vegetarian/vegan. At the time I had a friend who was a raw vegan and she shared with me the benefits of a raw vegan lifestyle and helped me make the transition. I felt great and enjoyed learning about and making gourmet raw vegan food. Currently my diet consists of lots of raw vegan food and some cooked vegan food. I find that adding some vegan food works for our lifestyle, especially when traveling. I love all the raw vegan restaurants in my area, Au Luc, Cafe Gratitude, M.A.K.E., and Planet Raw to name a few but I did not want to restrict my dining options to a few spots. So I have become a master at tweaking menus at main stream restaurants to fit my needs. I’m amazed at how chefs are happy to come up with interesting vegan alternatives other than green salads. This past weekend we went to the Lazy Ox, the name alone made me think this was going to be problematic. What a surprise!

Husband & I At Lazy Ox

Husband & I At Lazy Ox

Our Delicious Dinner

Our Delicious Dinner

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We had grits with curry oil, mushrooms and kale,- blistered shishito peppers & lime, -caramelized cauliflower, chili flakes and toasted almonds,- beet salad with white balsamic & hazelnuts,- Black tuscan kale salad with preserved lemons and apples, and not pictured a green salad and a mushroom risotto, everything was delicious and full of amazing flavors.

What type of diet do you follow?



Lazy Ox Canteen, 241 South San Pedro Street, Los Angeles, 213 626 5299 Reservations a Must (it’s a tiny place only seats about 50)


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Posted on by Gigi in Inspiration, Well-Being 2 Comments


This quote was circulating on FB. Being a closet writer this really resonated with me. Page 4, in my “book” would be a page turner already Drama, Drama, and more Drama, but if things were dry and predictable would life really be interesting? We all are creating pages in our “books”, surprising plot twists, disappointing endings, scandals, and other bazaar occurrences. Some pages we have no control over. My book will be full of cozy parties with interesting characters and lively conversations, travel to some exotic places and some familiar places, and creating quality memories with my family. Beautiful interiors, good food, glamour, fashion, curly hair and age defying feats will be sprinkled throughout. Of course there will be a few weddings, birthdays, and some surprise celebrations to keep things interesting and to introduce new characters. A little Mystery, a lot of fiction, a few jaw dropping cliff hangers, some magical realism and of course lots of fantasy. I am looking forward to my book and delighted to share most of the pages here with you.

What will your book look like?

A mystery, novel, nonfiction, fantasy historical novel, or maybe a thriller?

Remember you want your book to captivate your reader and take them away.




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Posted on by Gigi in Holiday, Well-Being 2 Comments


The holidays can wreck havoc on your body. With all the parties it is easy to over indulge on treats and to many sweets, and workouts can suffer due to shopping and social engagements. The next thing you know is that January comes around and everything is a little snug and you go in to “New Years” resolution mode, signing up for new gym memberships, another trainer and of course some sort of new diet. Why not follow a few simple steps and glide through the holidays like santa this season?

1. Watch The Sugar

eggnog 400 cal per cup

Sorry, eggnog and sugary desserts are not your friend. Maybe limit yourself to Christmas day or Eve and only have something really extraordinary. Skip the Costco stuff…splurge on something homemade if you are going to have something- like grandma’s sweet potato pie.

2. Blame it on the Alcohol

holiday drink


If you partake use moderation and balance with lots of water, between the empty calories and the water retention the next day…you really have to be careful. Sip on one or two drinks the entire evening and have sparkling water and cranberry juice with lime in between or just plain water.

3. Workout through the holidays do NOT forfeit  your WORKOUTS 


It is so easy to skip workout this time of year, you may have guests staying with you, or shopping that  interferes with your gym time. Even if you have to modify your plan do something at least 30 minutes daily. You will feel so much better!

4. Think about what you are plopping in your MOUTH


Make wise choices. You can do a lot of damage standing and indiscriminately plopping things into your mouth. Wear something fitted so you will be reminded and balance your selections with some veggies.

5. Chocolates –you know the  kind-the ones in the nice gift boxes


Just regift and give them to your nice post-person or the dry cleaner person–do not open. You don’t want to have a few boxes under your “belt” this season.

6. Eat at HOME


Eat something sensible before you go out, you will be full and less likely to over indulge.

7. Make time to JUICE

love green smoothies

Juicing and veggie based smoothies are a perfect way to make sure you are giving your body good nutrition to make it through the season.



Get your 8 hours every night! This is really important, there are studies that link lack of sleep to weight gain.

9. “YOU” TIME 


Make time for a massage or a moment at the spa, use that gift certificate that you have been saving. This is the perfect time to take a break for you.



Smile and have a good attitude, it’s only a few weeks…

Wishing you a fabulous holiday season!




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