An Ordinary Day...

Wednesday, April 12th started off as an ordinary day. The alarm sounded off at 6:00 a.m. like it always did. Reggie did his work day morning ritual, showering, grooming, selecting a suit and accessorizing with the perfect accents for Read more

Why are some people mean?

Why are some people mean? I'm not talking about a little mean, but bazaar, go out of their way to be mean. Recently I've encountered a few mean people, I remind myself that these situations will make me a stronger Read more


Our last trip of 2016 was to the Maldives. Last year was one full of excursions, We traveled to Cameroon, Paris, Bali, Hawaii, New Orleans, New York, Chicago, Lake Tahoe, Atlanta, Napa, San Francisco, Dubai, and I must say Read more


It's okay to venture out of your comfort zone... Lately I've been doing it quite often. This weekend is going to be one of renewal, my personal Super Bowl. What are your plans? I will be working today and tomorrow. Happy Read more

Do you enjoy yourself?

Both of my kids are in New York, my son is in school in the Hudson Valley and my daughter is living in Brooklyn and working. So we are officially empty nesters, and have been so for a while Read more



Posted on by Gigi in Inspiration Comments Off on Quote


As a young woman I loved reading Anais Nin. So when I came across this quote I had to share it…

“You live like this, sheltered, in a delicate world, and you believe you are living. Then you read a book… or you take a trip… and you discover that you are not living, that you are hibernating. The symptoms of hibernating are easily detectable: first, restlessness. The second symptom (when hibernating becomes dangerous and might degenerate into death): absence of pleasure. That is all. It appears like an innocuous illness. Monotony, boredom, death. Millions live like this (or die like this) without knowing it. They work in offices. They drive a car. They picnic with their families. They raise children. And then some shock treatment takes place, a person, a book, a song, and it awakens them and saves them from death. Some never awaken.”
― Anaïs Nin, The Diary of Anaïs Nin, Vol. 1: 1931-1934

This quote reminds me of my love of reading, and how books were my way to another world, before I had ever traveled as a young one. I loved going to the library, it was my ticket to the universe.

I always knew there was so much out there to experience. My path had a lot of detours and bumps along the way- never taking the direct route-always making time to get lost- and shying away from those that were on that predictable journey.

It is so easy to fall into a routine, and each day you follow your schedule, do what you do, day in and day out…numb to the world around you.

Live each day with a little abandonment-  never stop discovering- it is okay to step out of your comfort zone-

Speaking of comfort zone…check out this young filmmaker Solomon Onita, I saw his short JOY at the Pan African festival and it is streaming on HBO-powerful story check it out.

Happy Thursday-





Are You In Love?

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Valentine’s Day is a few days away, candy, flowers and gifts will be exchanged between loved ones. February 14th became associated with love during the middle ages, it was believed that the middle of the month was the beginning of the birds mating season hence a day for romance.

I will celebrate 27 years of marriage this year and  if I add the 2 years we dated prior, I have known Reggie for 29 years! So my question is how do you know you are still in love and it’s not just a “habit” like a job you are working just for the benefits?

Well here is my little list that the fairy tale is still magical.

1 You both understand and accept each others weirdness – i.e. the only 2 peeps not paying close attention to the Super Bowl and happy to be at home doing other randomness.

2 You can see each other really “raw” i.e. first thing in the morning when my hair is looking “Don Kingish” and he still thinks I’m cute, and I can see him coloring his mustache…

3 You still make plans for Valentine’s Day and you actually want to be with each other- not just going through the motions.

4 You are planning for when you are really old and what that looks like for the 2 of you.

5 You are happy when you are together, and mundane things i.e. driving to Lancaster (2 hour drive) to see an emergency patient…are fun.

6 You offer each other the last bite of something really good.

7 You try stuff that you normally would have no interest in doing i.e. triathlons, marathons, hot yoga, windsurfing, paddle boarding, zip lining, white water rafting, camping, cooking classes, korean spas, foreign films etc.

8 Your diet becomes his and vice versa- you go from eating everything to pescetarian, vegetarian, vegan, raw vegan, vegetarian/vegan, juice fasts, gluten free, etc.

9 You are interested in what the other person is doing and become their biggest supporter and sometimes only client…i.e delivering brownies, going to trade shows, modeling for photog class, etc.

10 You still want to sleep in the same bed…same room-same house.

11 You love traveling together and look forward to vacation.

12  You send “sexy” pics “sexting” even though the other person does not know how to work their smart phone that well…and will discover the picture days later not sure where it came from.

13 You could tell the person that you want to be an astronaut and the next thing you know you would be on the way to NASA for training.

14 You think about if something happened to the person and you instantly become sad at the thought of being without them.

15 In a crisis that person is the one who comforts you-

16 If you were sick, bedridden and could not go to the bathroom etc. you know that person would be there for you.

17 You have a best friend that you get to sleep with every night-

18 And, lastly you are a better person because of them.

Happy Tuesday! Are you in Love? Will you be celebrating Valentine’s Day? Regardless- if you have a sweetheart or not- celebrate by loving yourself and doing something special.



25 years later July 23, 2014

25 years later July 23, 2014

Hubby Reggie

Hubby Reggie





On being Grateful…

Posted on by Gigi in Inspiration 1 Comment

If you are reading this you more than likely have a “device” of some sort or you are sitting at a computer.

You probably have a home or apartment, you ate yesterday (if you did not it was because you were fasting), you slept last night in a bed or stayed up binge watching something on cable.

You may have a spouse, significant other, children, parents, siblings and friends as well.

You may have a career, a business, a job, be a student, or you may be retired.

You may be going to the gym, or yoga, hiking, bike riding or taking a pilates class, finishing your workout drinking a gallon of  filtered water to hydrate your body.

You get you hair “done” or like me you have a special closet full of hair potions and lotions, manicures, pedicures, etc. are what you do, you kept up your “beauty” routine just like you maintain your car service schedule.

Just looking at the news or reading the paper I am reminded and humbled of how good my life is…and most of the people I know- but how that is not the norm for many. People are really struggling with all sorts of challenges- health problems, financial, legal, family dynamics, relationships you name it, if you are not suffering you are truly blessed.

I am reminded daily to practice gratitude, because life could change in a moment- the older I get the more I see this happening.

No matter where you are on your life journey…there is so much to be thankful for…Practice Gratitude-

Happy Thursday.



Gigi & Tea

Gigi & Tea




Posted on by Gigi in Inspiration Comments Off on Passion


What gets you excited about life? Finding your passion is like finding the love of your life. You may have some false starts, a divorce, a second  or third marriage, a live in lover, or maybe you are still searching, and  that is okay. When you find it, you will know and there will be no doubt.

Photography is my passion! I love what I do- there is something magical about documenting a moment, a smile, a connection in someone’s life- or snapping a stranger on the street and looking at that photo later and being moved for some reason.



Once you find your true calling, it is always there. My passion warms my soul and gives my life purpose. I wake up thinking about something photography related everyday. I drive around and I’m always distracted by something on the street that I want to photograph, and next thing I know I’m taking a detour.

I’m so fortunate to have a supportive partner, who gets it, one that has made it possible for me to make my passion a reality with no restriction. Without my husband Reggie none of what I’m doing would be possible.

Finding your passion does not mean you have found your nirvana, it is a growing process, that at times you will question, like when I don’t have a client for weeks, or I can’t master that lighting like Annie Leibovitz. But then there are those days when you put a woman in a ball gown, and she transforms into a princess and you know you have changed her life, watching her discover her beauty that she had been discounting for the past years, because society told her that middle aged women are not beautiful. I shoot for those moments.

If you too are fortunate enough to have found your passion, be willing to share and give to others. Be willing to inspire someone else in their journey.

And if you have not found your passion, don’t give up, like me perhaps you will finally find it in your 50’s and that is okay, just as long as you find it and embrace the process and let it seduce you…

What are you passionate about? How and when did you discover your passion? Are you still searching for your passion?

Happy Tuesday!




10 things you should do…

Posted on by Gigi in Inspiration Comments Off on 10 things you should do…
self portrait #10

self portrait #10

I was reading an article about 26 things a person should do for themselves a least once an year.

These were some of my favorites ones-

1 Buy your self a good pair of shoes. The article focused on the comfort aspect, but my thought would be a beautiful indulgent pair- one that makes your heart beat fast and your legs look fabulous.

2 Go on a trip anywhere- even a road trip to a city a couple hours away- just explore something different.

3 Listen to some music from your past- I do that all the time, it mellows me out thinking about what I was doing 20-30 years ago and how simple my life was then. Lately I have been on a Stevie Wonder binge.

4 Edit your space and get rid of clutter. Anything that no longer serves you…let it go- I’m doing this room by room, my daughter left for college 2008 and has not returned- so I think all those clothes hanging in that closet are not serving anyone.

5 Clean up your email inbox- I’m ashamed to say, but I have over 100,000. I know part of this is from subscribing to different mailers, so my inbox is flooded daily.

6 Take yourself to dinner or lunch alone- I do this a lot when I go into the city. I have by phone or iPad and I’m good.

7 Write down a list of things you are proud of…

a.I am proud of my growth as an artist- and pursuing my passion as an old lady. hehehe

b. I am proud of my unconditional love for my family-because at times it can be a real challenge.

c. I am proud of being able to say “no” and being able to speak and listen to my authentic self and let her guide me…

8 Prepare dinner for friends- It is so easy to go out and meet at a restaurant, but there is something intimate about preparing food for guests.

9 I love this one- “do something unbelievably kind for someone who will not expect it” I have been on the receiving end of this one- just blown away by unexpected kindness, especially this past year.

10 I loved this one too “on your birthday make it a point to review your year” and then reflect and make improvements.

Read the entire list here.

Happy Wednesday!



My Bucket List…

Posted on by Gigi in Aging, Inspiration, Life Style 4 Comments

In my recent observations of life, in particular some that have ended way to soon unfortunately- I started thinking about my bucket list. At 55 I’m on the other side, I feel fine, not sure what “middle age” is supposed to feel like, but I’m embracing every day. I for the most part do the right “things”,  but I am learning there is no rhyme or reason to these horrific diseases, there are no guarantees.

Here is what I came up with, in no particular order:

1. Travel to Brazil, Cuba, Bali, Turkey, Mauritius, New Zealand, Montreux jazz just to name a few destinations on my list.



2. Become a really really good photographer.



3. Write a book. (does not have to be a bestseller or anything)

4. Have a grandchild or two.

5. Get in incredible shape. (For me it is more difficult at this age-body parts want to relocate and shift…)

Gigi @ the beach

Gigi @ the beach

6. Start a non-profit. I want to make a difference, for women and/or animals- cats in particular.

What’s on your bucket list?

Happy Tuesday,



What are you willing to give up?

Posted on by Gigi in Inspiration 1 Comment

I’m always reading something, online, magazines, a book or the newspaper-I’m old school I still get it delivered daily, I keep my notebook handy and if I come across something interesting I will jot it down, so the other day I came across this quote:

“People who look like they have everything they want are actually the people who are most clear on what they are willing to give up.”

I thought about it for a moment as it relates to my own life and it was so clear. Basically it goes back to being happy with what you have at any given moment, instead of what you don’t have… We live in a suburb outside of LA proper in a little sleepy town, I’m very happy here, although sometimes I hear “hmmmmm I don’t know how you live out there…it is so far” or “I could never do all the driving you all do”  Living where we live, was a choice we made, and we are okay with not living in LA proper, or in my case I gave up living at the beach prior to getting married.

Beach House

Beach House

Do I wish I had a hermes birkin bag?  No, I’m happy with my pretty bags that I have accumulated from various sales here and there. Do I have hair envy when I see someone with long straight shiny hair blowing? Hmmmm no, I gave that up when I decided to wear my hair in its natural state. The list goes on and on.

Hermes Birkin

Hermes Birkin

The key is figuring out what you can comfortably give up and still be happy. I love traveling, but being self employed there is only so much time my husband and I can take off, without our businesses suffering, so the romantic notion of living abroad for a month or so, is not in our future, but I can go and see a lot on a 4 day trip. I remember after 9/11 we scored some tickets to London for $200 RT, we left on a Wednesday and returned on a Sunday, spent 3 days there and had a blast.

Life is to short to always look for the negative, or to feel as though the entire world is out to get you. Remember there is always going to be someone who is younger than you , richer than you, skinnier than you etc. but once you exhale and give in to your authentic self, everything else will fall into place. We really are in control, and sometimes when you give up certain things other opportunities will come your way. It may be little things like waking up earlier to exercise to get the fit body your want,  or taking an online class to pick up a new skill or maybe fine tuning your “friend” circle to those who really are there for you and you both mutually enhance each others lives.

So what are you willing to give up? I’m curious, we all are so different and what is important to me may not be important to you. Please share…

Happy Wednesday,



“Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say, and not giving a damn. – Gore Vidal


What Are You Afraid Of?

Posted on by Gigi in Inspiration 11 Comments


It is easy to pretend to be fearless, to be brave in all situations, to be invincible- but we all have something that scares the SHIT out of us.



As I get older my “fear list” has changed. When I was younger my list was simple, things like spiders, roller coasters, heights, and oddly enough losing my teeth.

losing teeth SCARY

losing teeth SCARY

fear of heights...

fear of heights…

Now my fears are more serious- grown up stuff-complex- I realize that to have fear, the scary kind, you have to care about something, you have fear because  something matters to you. I try and manage my fear but it is not easy, yoga is helpful, just have to practice more often.

My top 5 fears, in no particular order:

1. My children. My daughter lives in NYC, and I can’t help but to worry about her, especially at night. My son-17 year-old African-American boy-enough said…

Gigi's son

Gigi’s son


2. My well-being. With 4 of my immediate family members having cancer-it is something that is on my mind. I try to do the “right” things, but I know that Cancer sometimes has no rhyme or reason, so I just do the best I can to take care of my health and carefully choose what I put in my body.

3. My husband. We are at the age where stuff happens…so I can’t help sometimes to think about the “what if” s.

4. Losing my teeth.

5. Earthquakes-they scare the Shit out of me…just recovering from the one we had a few months ago.



What are you afraid of? And how do you deal with your fear?

Happy Thursday,




Posted on by Gigi in Inspiration, Quotes 1 Comment


This is true is so many ways…it can be applied to everything from physical possessions, to relationships, to habits, the list goes on and on. At my age I finally get this, you can try and change some things, and may even have some success, but ultimately you have to be willing to edit with vengeance. You have to be able to look at your goals and question what is blocking you from obtaining them…usually it is something obvious or something we fear.

I remember when I decided to go back to school and finish my degree I had major blocks. I knew I had to complete my degree, the thought of my children asking me one day “why do I have to go to school–you didn’t finish” was daunting. Reggie was in grade school and Amani was is middle school when I decided to return. I had to “subtract” the crazy blocks I had in order to “add” this educational piece to my life, and trust me it was not easy to humble myself and go back to the same school I started at 25 years ago in my 40’s. It was even more interesting because some of the administrators at the university were students I started with the first time I went there. Some of our friends had children that were attending my school.

The other big block was that when I was there the first time, I did not do well academically, lets just say I was asked to leave. So one random day I threw my pride out the window, and drove out to U.C. Riverside, and walked into the dean’s office and said, “I went here a long time ago and I want to come back and finish my degree.” of course the dean said that was great,  that was before she pulled the “microfiche” yes I went there before computers…heheheh She looked at my grades and said “hmmmmm It is going to be difficult for you, because you are going to have to make up a lot of work, but I am going to sign off and give you a special admit”. So here I was starting my school 25 years later on “academic probation”.

I had to juggle my kids, their activities, my home, and doing my school work, because I had it in my head that I had to finish before Amani finished high school, so I had to go full time, oh and the school was an hour away. The quarters zoomed by, soon I was not on probation, I made friends with some of the young students, became a confidante of some of my professors, most were my age, and renewed friendships with staff who I attended school with the first time.

Looking back, I graduated in 2006, I was glad I was able to return, glad my children could learn by seeing me pull all nighters, not let my school work interfere with their life or our family dynamics and keep it moving. So friends, look inside and figure out what is blocking your success–and subtract. I’m always working on something, adding subtracting at any given moment, right now it is balancing my photography business and finding my rhythm of shooting, processing my work and still having my weekends to do “me” – I had to quickly subtract the thought of doing weddings, cause I know it is important for me and my life style to have my weekends for my family.

Gigi's Graduation 2006

Gigi’s Graduation 2006 at 47

Happy Tuesday!






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Posted on by Gigi in Inspiration, Uncategorized, Well-Being 2 Comments


We all have the desire to be perfect, to be our best. I have found in my years of wisdom, that you can spend so much time on the quest to be perfect that you become paralyzed. The fear of not “being good enough” is a block that can be difficult to overcome. Sometimes I question myself and think “Am I Driven?”. When I was in school I was a good student, but I was not at the top of the class, I admired the “bright” ones from afar, never with envy, for some how I knew I would be okay.

I know there are numerous photographers that are established, have been working for years in the business, I see their work, clients and sometimes I wonder will I even be half as good as some of them. Knowing that I could easily be discouraged and give up, but instead I go forward and work at being the best that I can with the knowledge that I have amassed.



With social media we are privy to others- we see their comings and goings and sometimes we can’t help but to question our own existence. It is easy to think based on postings that someone else’s life is “perfect”, instead of remembering that every one for the most part has an online image that sometimes is very different from their life at home.

With my family, I have taught my children to do their best, and don’t worry about what every one else is doing. We live in a society where our children are being tutored, coached, groomed to be the best, no longer left to chance. Parents are doing whatever to get the coveted spot at a prestigious university. I sometimes question is it really for the child… I tell my kids to follow your passion, success will come if you are passionate about your career, enjoy life, cherish your school years and think outside the box.

Gigi & Family

Gigi & Family

My son is doing his junior year of high school in Italy, he is fluent in italian now, I had a few well meaning people tell me that he should have gone to Spain and learned spanish something that he could use when he returned. My thought was he is an artist and wanted to spend time in Italy and I know this experience will be life changing for him. I am blessed that we could support his participation in the school year aboard program.



So my friends, work on being the best you can be, and don’t worry about what the next person is doing, there will always be someone better, richer, prettier, skinnier, etc. the list goes on and on. So with that I need to work on learning some photoshop- HAPPY FRIDAY!




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